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Updated: 10-13-2015 06:13 AM
File Info
Updated:10-13-2015 06:13 AM
Created:10-13-2015 06:13 AM
Schimaeras Standard DPS UI
Version: 1
by: Schimaera [More]
Hello everyone,

I'd like to share my UI with you.

I tried to make it as simple and plain as possible. The slots for Quickbar 1 and 2 are expandable to 12 of course, if someone decides that they need more skills.

Keybindings might be different for you since I use a few from my mouse. Generally speaking 1-5 and Shift-1-5 are offensive Skills for the Rotation plus AoE skills.

Quickbar 2 are Utility Skills like breakouts, interrupts, stuns, pushbacks, cleanses and so on.

Quickbar 3 is in the middle between your and your targets health bars and entails your offensive and defensive cooldowns, so that you have a better eye on them.
Note that Num1 and Num 3 (for Precision and the Adrenal) in my Screenshot are actual bound to my mouse. The game doesn't register two of its Keys so I bound them to the num block.

The other Quickbars are minor utiliy skills I don't need to bind to a key due to their rare necessity in fights.

The Operations Frame is set to display 16 party members.

Focus-Target is on the Top of the screen, however the Focus-Targets Cast-Bar is right above Quickbar 3 in the Middle. Reason being is that in some cases you actually need to see what's going on with that and I felt like looking at the top is not always as comfortable as looking more in the middle.

I hope you enjoy the UI as much as I do.

Best Regards

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